We are a non government affiliated resource site that helps answer questions partnered with volunteers that understand and explain Medicare benefits!
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Insurance License:


Verified Member
I am born and raised in Southern California and committed to helping my community understand the complicated world of Medicare.
My experience in Medical Billing has helped me obtain a complete and comprehensive understanding of the Insurance Industry.
My education consists of a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business from Cal State Fullerton as well as AHIP Medicare Certification.
I married my High School Sweetheart and we now raise a family of 4 amazing children.
1925 Palomar Oaks Way Suite 215
Medicare Leader is not in any way endorsed or affiliated with Social Security, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services also known as CMS, or any other government related entity. We are volunteers, included among them are senior and baby boomer advocates, and licensed insurance agents that are knowledgable and able to explain in detail Medicare Part A, Part B, and Part D. Many are permitted, licensed and certified within their states to offer Medicare Supplements, Medigap / Medi-gap solutions, Medicare Advantage, MAPD, Prescription Drugs, Hearing Aid, Visual and Dental type insurance plans.