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-"Verified Member" professional profile within SEARCH index on Medicare Leader.
-Individual Unique Landing Page - It's basically your own web page!
-Uploadable profile photo and optional upload of your company logo.
-State Insurance Number (If Applicable).
-Email, phone, Instagram and LinkedIn mobile friendly active links.
-SEO profile and branding making you relevant on Google, YAHOO, Bing and
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Refund Policy / Terms of Use
Our priority is that your are satisfied and gain value from your investment in being a member and supporter of Medicare Leader. With that said, it's important to note that the branding value you obtain from being indexed on websites and exposed through our marketing strategy is one that can not be reversed. Hence, we will refund in FULL, any memberships that are canceled within the first 7 days of payment. No refunds, full or partial of any kind will be honored after 7 days.
Your membership can be canceled at any time.
We also have the right to cancel your membership due to any misinformation, abuse or unauthorized use of your profile.
Feel free to contact us at info@MedicareLeader.com with any questions.
Click here for our terms of use and refund policy.
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